National Conference on Big Data Analytics (NCBDA-2016).

This National Conference was intended to provide an opportunity for the students and faculty members for upgrading their knowledge in innovations, trends, modern concepts and applications in all the domain areas of information technology.

Dr.Gopinath Ganapathy ,Professor  and Head, School of Computer Science and Engineering was the chief guest and he graced the occasion with his presence and he gave a speech on “ Big Data Analytics” in the morning Session.

The Morning Session was followed by a paper presentation session, where various faculties and students from different institutions presented their research papers and the best papers were awarded.

The afternoon session was enlightened by Mrs.M.Devi, Head, Department of MCA, Selvam College of Technology. She delivered a lecture on “The Dawn – Big data Era.”

This conference fulfilled its purpose, and it was a great success. We have added another feather to our cap. This is the new mile stone we have reached. Our proceeding includes various research papers from different institutions covering various domains.

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