18th Annual Day Celebrations.

Annual Day is one of the important days for college students and authorities. On this annual day, College celebrate their college success by gathering together.  SASC celebrated its 18th Annual Day celebration. In this annual day function our Principal Dr. N. Rajavel gave a welcome Address and read out our annual report. He shared Student’s, staff achievements for the academic year

2017-18. This celebration includes cultural programs like dance, drama, mime and singing performance. Mathukoor Mr. Ramalingam who was a great debate speaker and modern poet was invited as the eminent chief guest. He gave a speech titled on “Vannam Thootuvidu Thoramthan” by his thought provoking speech, he gave lot of innovative and thought provoking ideas. He gave small incidents which were held in his own life. It was a lively and catchy illustration to all our students and teachers.

Through his speech he quotes many achievers like Stephen Hawkins, Thomas Alva Edision, etc., He stimulates our minds to achieve something in our life. Finally his speech ends with many motivation thoughts. Then after his speech our principal read out student achievers list, Rank holders list, 100% percent students and staff attendance name list, campus placed student list, and management awarded publishing paper in Journals.  Afternoon we had a cultural celebration. In these cultural programmes, nearly 182 students participated and showed their individual talents. End of the annual day, our Vice-Principal gave Vote of Thanks. Finally, Annual Day Celebration comes to an end with our National Anthem.



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