Cultivation of Azolla and its application.

Microbiology department organized a one day national workshop entitled on “Cultivation of Azolla and its application in Agriculture and Allied Sector CAAAAS -2018” on 09.02.2018. Nearly 185 participants were benefited from various colleges and universities. Eminent personalities Dr.P.Sivasakthivelan and Dr.K.ARIVUKKARASU,Assistant Professors, Dept.of Agricultural Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Chidambaram were acted as resource persons and gave hands on training of Azolla Cultivation to the participants. They are given lecture to the nitrogen fixing aquatic pteridophyteAzolla has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen at cheaper and faster rates due to the presence of a symbiotic azollae. Because of this property it has been exploited widely as bio – fertilizer for rice plants. In addition to this it has several other uses such as food, feed, biogas producer and hyper accumulator of heavy metals etc. Because of the multifaceted uses the promotion and use of Azolla system would be ideal and environment friendly in sustainable agriculture. This article provides a brief account of the importance as well as developments in the utilization of Azollasystem in agriculture and allied sectors.

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