19th Annual Sports Day Celebrations.

Selvamm Arts and Science College Celebrated its’ 19th annual sports day on 21stAugust, 2018 in our college ground, on that day, the atmosphere of the college took a festive look. A great interest was observed among the students, and faculty members. The augustus program started with Tamizhthai Valthu. Chief Guest Mr. C. Sasikumar M.Tech., M.I.E., Divisional Engineer, Highways Department, Namakkal Dt. Who encouraged the students with his vibrating Speech Our honorable Trustee Mrs. Jayam Selvraj, Secretary Dr.B.Kaviethra Nandhini, Our beloved Academic Director  Dr. K.S. Arulsamy our principal Dr.N. Rajavel  welcomed the gathering with his speech.

The guest of honor, Mr. C. Sasikumar hoisted the Olympic Flag followed by College flag hoisted by our principal Dr.N. Rajavel. Our sports day began with the march past and the chief guest took the salute. To enliven the sports event, the Olympic torch was lit by the chief guest and our sports champions. Then our chief guest declared the sports meet open.

Our energetic and dynamic students performed various events our high-spirited under girls and boys actively participated in 4*100 relay. They scorched the racing tracks. After over various events our physical education director Mr.A.Eswaramoorthy     presented the Annual Report of 2018. Our college has 14 departments it divides into four houses like Green, Red, Orange and yellow. Finally, the winners’ names were announced and the prizes were given away by the Chief guest Mr. C. Sasikumar, Our Principal Dr.N.Rajavel. March Fast first prize win by Green house, second prize win by Red house.   The students were happy after getting the prizes and awards from the dignitaries. The most prestigious Overall Championship of this year trophy was given to the White House. The grand celebration came to an end with National Anthem.

2018-19 year sports day witnessed the entrancing performances and hard work and dedication put up by our students.  Multiple hours of training, strenuous practices of students made the sports day more successful and memorable one.

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